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1 serving. Approx. 1.7 standard drinks
40ml Gin & Juice
15ml Calvados
225ml Cloudy Apple Juice
5ml Spiced Honey Syrup
(½Cup Honey, 1 Cup Water, 2 Star Anise, 1 Cinnamon Quill, 6 Cardamom pods)
1 Slice of Lemon
1 Cinnamon quill
Brandy Glass or Ceramic Mug
PREP: Honey Syrup
Warm the honey, water, star anise, cinnamon & cardamom in a pot over low heat for 15 mins to infuse- do not boil. Cool, store in a glass jar, refrigerate.
Pour ‘Gin & Juice’ and Calvados into a brandy glass or ceramic mug. Warm the cloudy apple juice over the stove with honey syrup.
Pour warm juice into the glass.
Garnish with a lemon slice & cinnamon quill.
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